Wednesday, December 9, 2009

come on~~where can i stand~~

Last 2 day i was chatting with my friend...and he said he went 2 a camp, and over there got many intelligent teenager and great leaders there...hahaha....u know i said what...^^ I said i can fit in with them.... "IS IT".......i think back...i dont have any talent any leadership skill....nth at all..^^" sad..
How can i fit in with some 1 with very clever or talent friend...haha
that is Only God know...but i said to my self...i dont like to fight with other...i wan to fight my self....cos y waste energy with other and our ownself oso cant Win??

and i dont know...when i view some1 blog...i can saw those every1 have their own bloging way..haha...but i only blog for past time...^^haha...i wan 2 share my happy in blog not my sad...but still i write what i wan 2 write....nth.....
