Monday, September 6, 2010

^^ Finally

i just wake and i dream a guy and a gal....the guy i fuking hate and the gal is the 1 I like for a long time....haha...

the story start like this, i was at my grandma house and he and his gf at the door (dont know y, just a dream ) and i open the door for him and he very "lan ci" sombong , i dreamed he looking for my cousin bro bout his wedding.....something like that

dont know how i started mouth fight with him and i try negotiate and it cant work...that guy is very...haiz... and then i ran 2 his gf and ask her y she like that guy...haha..."like i know her"

i oso don't know y i did this, ha ha!!!...but after i ask her (stop) , then i sit down with my sis..and my sis said the gal is at the neighbor house, wah, i dreamed the feelling running to her, and i know she already some1's in real life and forever liao but i still really cant forget her T.T
still got a long story...but lazy to write...haha...^^

talk bout runing..i dreamed the sound of my feet and the sand on the ground..
i ran in to the house and i saw her..she was playing games with friend..i dint talk2 her but stare at her like i never seen her before and not for long she went out ..and then i wake up de, i really miss her smile...i like her cos of her so so sweet...^^

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Deep S*it~~

我想开始很多事, 感情的,学业的,工作的,连驾车都冒冷汗 ~.~
是时候咯~~不然就给人比下去咯~~真是没用。 我真的要努力加勤劳,加把尽。。。

我啊我,还是做回我自己。 我很很很nak gila, 能够让人认识我,懂我,能了解。
我朋友很多,但长参的没几个。 如果有天我没了他们这班朋友我该怎样做。只有他们可知道我想什么。。。但不了解我。。。


let create something from me...

Feelling can be change but my mind tell me is a lie.
All the time im trying get to know you, but still i need your reply.
Actually im still waiting after the sms u said we too far away,
after few year already, i hope my appear will make u happy.
I wish i could get a chance for meeting you,
and give me a smile back ,and said yes is you^^


That day i wrote a wishin note for you, now im try to write a song in melody with lyric. wait for it, i will get it done...


for the first girl i like, i still got feeling for u and now i wish u have a happy mother's day^^


let drop the beat, move it, step it.
what coming next, next with heart pumping beat.
when the heat, with the sweat float on your body.
that what make it famous and whacky~
Hold on with the tempo, hold that on the dance floor.
the moment , the timing and the perfect call.


Time now 2:57 am with date 1 june tuesday

Thursday, May 27, 2010

My Luck^^


喜欢音乐、编曲人、古典音乐老师、创作人、广告制作人、音乐工程师、想踏入乐坛、网络设计师、需要音乐搞活动的朋友.... 只要你是音乐爱好者,此课程将让你更加深入的了解流行乐坛,同时了解音乐的未来趋势....





^^is time, the time now is 6.00pm 27/5/2010....
this is my writing in this blog in year 2o1o..^^

Still my plan delay, no only my job experience,my class,my lesson...all in a delay mode...Y oh can be like this...1 accident can make this happan....damn That my Luck...T.T...


Wednesday, December 9, 2009

come on~~where can i stand~~

Last 2 day i was chatting with my friend...and he said he went 2 a camp, and over there got many intelligent teenager and great leaders there...hahaha....u know i said what...^^ I said i can fit in with them.... "IS IT".......i think back...i dont have any talent any leadership skill....nth at all..^^" sad..
How can i fit in with some 1 with very clever or talent friend...haha
that is Only God know...but i said to my self...i dont like to fight with other...i wan to fight my self....cos y waste energy with other and our ownself oso cant Win??

and i dont know...when i view some1 blog...i can saw those every1 have their own bloging way..haha...but i only blog for past time...^^haha...i wan 2 share my happy in blog not my sad...but still i write what i wan 2 write....nth.....


Wednesday, November 18, 2009