Monday, September 6, 2010

^^ Finally

i just wake and i dream a guy and a gal....the guy i fuking hate and the gal is the 1 I like for a long time....haha...

the story start like this, i was at my grandma house and he and his gf at the door (dont know y, just a dream ) and i open the door for him and he very "lan ci" sombong , i dreamed he looking for my cousin bro bout his wedding.....something like that

dont know how i started mouth fight with him and i try negotiate and it cant work...that guy is very...haiz... and then i ran 2 his gf and ask her y she like that guy...haha..."like i know her"

i oso don't know y i did this, ha ha!!!...but after i ask her (stop) , then i sit down with my sis..and my sis said the gal is at the neighbor house, wah, i dreamed the feelling running to her, and i know she already some1's in real life and forever liao but i still really cant forget her T.T
still got a long story...but lazy to write...haha...^^

talk bout runing..i dreamed the sound of my feet and the sand on the ground..
i ran in to the house and i saw her..she was playing games with friend..i dint talk2 her but stare at her like i never seen her before and not for long she went out ..and then i wake up de, i really miss her smile...i like her cos of her so so sweet...^^

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