Wednesday, December 9, 2009

come on~~where can i stand~~

Last 2 day i was chatting with my friend...and he said he went 2 a camp, and over there got many intelligent teenager and great leaders there...hahaha....u know i said what...^^ I said i can fit in with them.... "IS IT".......i think back...i dont have any talent any leadership skill....nth at all..^^" sad..
How can i fit in with some 1 with very clever or talent friend...haha
that is Only God know...but i said to my self...i dont like to fight with other...i wan to fight my self....cos y waste energy with other and our ownself oso cant Win??

and i dont know...when i view some1 blog...i can saw those every1 have their own bloging way..haha...but i only blog for past time...^^haha...i wan 2 share my happy in blog not my sad...but still i write what i wan 2 write....nth.....


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

What a chef Can do (part 1)


My mind is blank cos im a LAZY type of guy^^

Haha...after few month i wrote this....Y cos i feel like i want to share to every1 who read my blog.

I was lose my temper when im in my work not like the old me...can "Tahan"but now Damn i like want to throw everything and dont think bout work....ayo ayo.....

Lately im not attend my class in a full attendance......i feel like very "Down" for it i was making my tutor not happy...i can feel it...haha....just act "bodoh".

what happan to me in the future....for now i cant see it again....unstable unbalance.....walao.....some1 please help me....

i wan to sing loud ,i wan 2 shout out,i wan 2 write it out loud.

and still i cant do it............what a shame.....Shame Me....


When i listen 2 a mind feel peaceful and some how i have a slow i get it very fed up....haha.....but at the end i wrote this post and"thk" to the song "古巨基-情歌王"

Monday, September 7, 2009

This month is a new start for me....^^

let finally getting what i just begining to feelling it...for all this searching for it ...i got it but the sad point is i have to pay for ok....
im happy....i cant wait for the result in the end..
im abit of lazy guy but i will get done the best....

im very weak in music can i learn with in a year....for a lazy guy like me...can i learn it without forget it....haha...SWT...SAD.....

This is my own a K~c way......believe it.....
haha...i copy from Naruto...^^

just wish me good luck......

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Am i the 1 who worried You??

is over a month i not write let do it...^^
im now working in KL...where...Near PWTC there....the hotel name is Legend Hotel......

so.....i oso been in the hotel for a month......very tired.....
not because of the because is washing the damn pot,plate, inset........damn......what is the place....

haiz...i really feel like i want to die in there....very hard work there.......i mean hard core....^^
still have many thing i wan to very 11 43 pm....


Am i still a child....or my mind ...still not mature??
i really dont understand....
i just say is that....i still young ....but i know what im doing....pls dont ask me so many Question ......
i really cant stand work is already is a noisy place.....i need a quiet and relax place......hiaz.....pls pls...dont treat me as child....

Monday, June 22, 2009

just try to think.....
just try to say......
just try to sing.....
just try it good enough??
Or i must get it done....
i must get it fast...
i must remember...
i must do?? is it that right?
Walao....can i decide??

i just nothing to do.....
i must get sleep liao...
this is penang Language style...hahahaahah
now listen to a song call The Miley Cyrus

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Breakout success from Korean dance comedy theatre

Five loony convicts Break Out when they chance upon a sacred book that makes people dance.

BRACE yourself for Break Out, the extreme dance comedy that promises a barrel of laughs while leaving audiences bowled over by a new genre of bboy entertainment.

In celebration of its first anniversary, Korea Sparkling, the Korea Tourism brand, is bringing to Malaysia six charity theatre performances by the dance troupe, Break Out, said Korea Tourism Organisation managing director Kim Hee Hun during the launch of Break Out in Kuala Lumpur two weeks ago.

“Korean culture is gaining great popularity throughout the world as a result of the Korean Wave, brought about by popular movies, dramas and music from South Korea.

“Also, Korea Sparkling is promoting healthy street dance culture by organising a bboy (breakdance) competition at Sunway Pyramid, Selangor, with Break Out as the guest judge.” Kim added.

With LG as the main sponsor, LG Electronics (M) Sdn Bhd managing director and chief executive officer T.Y. Ko said he was pleased the partnership offered an opportunity to share more of Korean culture with Malaysians.

Ko also felt that the show was doubly meaningful as it combined the sharing of culture and charity. “As people enjoy the unique and entertaining performances, they will also be lending a hand to the less fortunate.”

Break Out is set in a prison where five loony convicts trying to make a break for freedom chance upon a sacred book with the mysterious power to make people break out in dance.

The dance troupe showcases spectacular martial arts, gymnastics, circus aerobatics, breakdancing, yoga and hilarious comic moments set to catchy music.

Debuted in 2007, the hilarious non-verbal dance troupe has performed in London, New York, Mumbai, Shanghai, Vientiane and Bangkok. A box office hit in its native South Korea, Break Out has been showered with rave reviews wherever it played.

Conceptualised by Yegam and Sevensense Inc of South Korea with overseas advancement in mind, it celebrated a successful premiere at the Sadler’s Well Peacock Theatre in London’s West End and excited the Edinburg Fringe Festival in 2007. The 80-minute show currently plays in Seoul six days a week except Mondays.

Its stage features a set constructed like an enormous book. As the story unfolds, the stage magically transforms like the turning of the pages of the book.

The story begins when a book opens to reveal a curious glow. Unknown to anybody, its mysterious power spreads and affects others. Within it is the sacred manuscript of extreme dance. In the prison, the jailer blows his whistle, as he usually does, to wake the prisoners for their morning exercise. Suddenly, the book falls from the sky like a comet and all who come near it feel an electrifying surge of energy.

Yearning for freedom, five prisoners plan a daring escape. They make it to a hospital, but find themselves relentlessly pursued by the authorities, so they hide out there.
In the merry-go-round of the chase, the five convicts, three nurses, warden and a policeman end up in a mega-dance party.

Forced to remain on the run, the forlorn five make their way to a church where they meet some nuns and find peace and serenity. Then, cornered with no way out, their escapade culminates in a passionate outpouring of dance.

The production crew comprises producer Kim Kyung Hun, artistic director Paek Won Kil, director Jeon Jun Beom, and composer Kang Sang Goo. The characters are made up of five convicts – Gray, Lump, Joker, Tricky, Dandy – as well as a jailer named Gundog, a cop called Swat and three beautiful women
Each character is played by various dancers and here’s a look at them:

Gray: He has been in the slammer longer than the rest. Hence, all the old man wants is to see his daughter. Gray is played by Tigger (real name Son Hyuk), Snap (Lim Dae Hyeok) and Poison (Oh Yong Hwan).

Lump: No one dares to take on this nasty bloke. He’s a leader with a dangerous streak. Yet, he has a passion for puzzle solving. Lump is played by Yongnam (Kim Yong Nam), Da Notez (Song Won Jun) and Bear (Lim Kyung Jun).

Joker: He is clumsy and a bit of a clown. But the dopey chap has a heart of gold. Joker is played by Alive (Song Yong Nam), Gun (Kim Byung Gun), Steper (Kong Seok Woo) and Mine (An Yong Chan).

Tricky: This guy thinks he is great with women. Unfortunately, he’s no Don Juan. Tricky is played by Naturalman (Pyun Ki Bum) and Chulhee (Han Chul Hee).

Dandy: Well-groomed, he is the smooth-talking, slick-moving charmer of the gang. No one can resist his suave sophistication and sheer charisma. Dandy is played by Zoom In (Hwang Joo Min), Scale-T (Jeong Jong Wook) and Dexter (Jang Kee Won).
Gundog: As the jailer, he thinks he is in charge. But the convicts under his charge have other ideas. Also, the tough guy has a soft spot. Gundog is played by BBoy-T (Kim Jung Whan), Beat (Jo Min Chul), Donald Hong (Park Jae Hong) and Giboon (Lee Jae Bok).
Swat: He is a member of the special forces. Swat is played by Zzz (No Seung Min), Makeep (Yun Ki Bum) and Dope (Park Sung June).

Beautiful trio
The three lovely lasses are sexy nurses. No, they are policewomen. Wait, they are actually innocent nuns. The speedy trio can change characters faster than lightning.
The three ladies are played by Jjang-Jji (Jang Ji Hee), Tency (Kim Hyo Sun), S-Young (Hong Seol Young), Hotvee (Kim Su Jin), Jiny (Kim Jin Hee), S.H Ory (Kim So Hyun), Unik (Choi Yoon Hui) and Ssun (Son Suna).

Organised by Korea Tourism Organisation, the Break Out charity performances are managed by events management company GFW, presented by Korea Sparkling and sponsored by LG.


今年三月后我就真的觉得好难过,好无用. 工作,收入,学习都停了.


我上个星期去了Sri Dewan Penang 看了一部舞蹈剧.
那些韩国人~~看了有赚不亏 ^^


Sunday, May 17, 2009


心理师 舞蹈者 音乐者 厨师
开朗 直率

- 5










World most ruthless animal ~ 世界最残忍的动物

When i saw this clip, it was amazing and at the same time very sad.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


嗨~~我是K~C, 在这儿想跟大家交情;什么情? 友情咯! 哈哈,怎样呢.....

我觉得我是可很矛盾的人,为何这样说.. 我是位理智和完美主义责又想要梦幻有不实在感觉~~真无聊


哦给! 好了进回正题~~对于看这文章的人, 您有什么不开心,不安想找个人诉苦又找不到人这不妨您可以找我. 我可以做您的聆听者.

我虽然不是什么开导师或心理学师,但我有双耳. 说不定可以帮到您.

我呢~年纪不大,经验不多. 我为何要这样做. 其实没什么的纯粹要交朋友和看可不可以帮到人.

因为我对于 聆听别人的问题,也来也有热诚.这也是因朋友,女性朋友. 我们从来没见过面,而我们也
可以谈. 我觉得这样一来也不必尴尬^^


所以说我有得友情, 信任.......但我也不停的帮,听,劝,学.

怎样都好~~您如果想解闷,讲心事,发泄..都可以. 男女欢迎...谢绝玩弄
留言~~在意见箱^^ 等我回复吧!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Journey at Work

Just some photo i take from work~~
Part 2

Those photo is taken when i was free....mostly is about 9pm before offwork

Journey at Work

Just some photo i take from work~~
Part 1

My first work place in S'pore~~

Novotel Singapore Clarke Quay

Novotel Singapore Clarke Quay, situated in the heart of Singapore and within the vibrant and dynamic Clarke Quay area is one of Singapore's best located hotels, both for tourists and business travellers.
With the underground station nearby, visitors have easy access to all of the major Singapore attractions including Orchard Road, Raffles Place, Raffles City and World Trade Centre. Novotel Singapore Clarke Quay also has easy access to Changi International Airport on the Airport Extension Line, providing swift transfers to and from the airport for maximum convenience.
Novotel Singapore Clarke Quay features 401 recently renovated rooms each with magnificent and un-obstructed views of the meandering Singapore River, the spectacular city skyline or the lush greenery of Fort Canning Park. The hotel's guest rooms, including Premier suites, have been upgraded to Novotel's latest design standards offering state of the art amenities such as flat screen televisions with DVD players and versatile pivoting workstations developed with the travelling executive in mind, as well as tasteful décor throughout, designed to ensure that each guests stay a memorable one.

The Square Restaurant

Located on Level 7 of the hotel, this hip and modern restaurant boosts of an interactive live cooking experience where guests can interact directly with the chefs and have their desired dish prepared in the open kitchen, as they move through the different stations.
The Square offers guests an array of section, including full International and Asian Buffet Breakfast, Local Singaporean Cuisine Buffet Lunch, and our famous "Flavours of Asia with an International Twist" in the evenings. In addition to this, The Square also offers a full a la carte menu for both lunch and dinner with a extensive selection of both Asian and Western dishes.

^^ What This

Hmm....this? This is my first vehicle. Anything wrong? Just a story i want to share.

This photo is taken from my uncle house. Why i want to take this photo, cos i change the back sportrim to "racing boy". So there is two colour from the front and the back, is it very silly? I think is priceless. PGM7458~~ 125 wave blue ^^
This photo is taken before been stolen. Surprise? me too, it happan when i was back in penang for holiday and it gone;stolen by someone in time 6 something in the morning and it still at Johor.Sign~~ Miss it (T.T)


This is a big spider, this photo is taken in a bath room. bout 5~6 mm big....

I use my hp to take, U just image a Rm 0.50 have eight legs. It can walk.....

Wah, I cant stand it......

Offday Fooling Around~~

^^ just woke up, and Nothing to do....haiz..

~Wisdom Of Life~